Welcome everybody!

Hotel Escuela Logo

Hi! I am Maria Gabriela Guerrero, I am an English Teacher at a Hotel School in Venezuela. The following blog is a social and interactive space where students can learn more about the language and the hotel business by exploring hypertexts, posting comments, suggest links and more. A blog is a social software, computer tool which allow people to connect, to communicate and to collaborate on line. It is essentially a web page with regular diary or journal entries.

Here you will find information related to our English class plus extra links, videos, websites, podcasts, activities, tasks for improving your communicative skills and exercises to reinforce your grammar skills too.

I hope you find this page useful and entertaining for your learning experience.

Feel free to write your comments and include some other websites you would like to share with the class!

foto students

~ by mariaga36 on April 17, 2008.

7 Responses to “Welcome everybody!”

  1. Hi, this is a comment.
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  2. Hello teacher we chossed the Region Los Andes because we are interesting. we are conforming:
    *Luz Katherine Avendaño V.
    *Maria Gabriela Dávila
    *Clareth López
    *Isabella Mavares

  3. hello teacher, Im very interested in the project,The method you are using is very good, I hope to learn a lot from him, my group is formed by:Scarlet Araque,Lenny Galvis,Marco Marquez and Maria Kelen Londoño.We would like to expose of the region centro occidental.II semestre

  4. Buenos dias profe se comunica con usted Ricardo Gonzalez mi grupo es Leonardo Contreras, Carlos Gonzalez, Marcos Marquez y Ricardo Gonzalez (yop) y escogimos la zona Nor-Oriental de Venezuela

  5. hola prof. de verdad que me parece muy interesante todo esta nueva modalidad de estudiar asi ingles. Aparte de practicarlo en el hotel escuela tambin en casa. pienso que nos permitira familiarizarnos mas con este idioma. le confieso q no se menjar muy bien los links pero poco a poco intentare mejora porque me llama mco la atencion

  6. Hi teacher is Jhoanna Rodriguez I can’t see the video is too late and this computer don’t work

  7. hola profe es arturo guariguata. No se que paso con el comentario que realize. pero ya realiza los ejercicios de imperativos inclusive los de futuro e averigue una pagina para el proyecyo de nosotros de la region de guayana

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